Friends of Coconut Tree Training in SCAD KVK
ICAR-SCAD, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thoothukudi and Coconut Development Board jointly organized six days training programme to coconut growers for tree climbing by using Friends of Coconut Tree (Tree climber). 20 beneficiaries of Coconut growers from TN Kulam were selected for the training. This village is adopted by KVK under the programme of “Doubling farmers income by 2022”. In this village various technologies for agriculture, horticulture and animal science are being implemented by scientists of SCAD KVK. The selected coconut farmers were given six days training in the KVK campus. In this training, technologies in coconut cultivation, pest and disease management and recycling of farm waste were covered. In valedictory function Technical Officer from the Coconut Development Board Mr. Bharathipriyan, Senior scientist and Head Dr. V. Srinivasan, Scientists P. Velmurugan, A. Murugan, PK. Muthukumar and C. Bhagavathsingh were awarded certificates to the participants. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the coconut Olympics competition. Coconut tree climbing equipment was provided to all beneficiaries at the end of the programme. The training was organized by the advice of Dr. Cletus Babu, chairman of SCAD trust and executed by the scientists and technical staff of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thoothukudi.